Erasmus+ student exchange in Sibiu
Once again, a small team from IfaS (Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany) travelled to Romania as part of our project. The reason for this […]
Erasmus+ student exchange in Sibiu Weiterlesen »
Once again, a small team from IfaS (Trier University of Applied Sciences, Germany) travelled to Romania as part of our project. The reason for this […]
Erasmus+ student exchange in Sibiu Weiterlesen »
Dietmar Gross from Deutsch-Weisskirch (Viscri) knows better than almost anyone else in Transylvania what can be achieved in his own village, in the community and
How do we preserve the wood-pastures in Romania? Weiterlesen »
It is almost a whole year since people from agriculture, community work, science and the surrounding area came together for the future workshop in Viscri
Impressions from the Viscri 2023 future workshop Weiterlesen »
The idea of the butterfly effect is simple: a small, initially unimportant event can have an unpredictable major impact. In the video recently published on
The Butterfly Effect explained by László Rákosy Weiterlesen »
Large Old Trees have exceptional natural, cultural and economic values, yet these trees are only rarely targeted by specific National legislation. Romania recently adopted a
New Law for Old Trees in Romania – lessons and opportunities Weiterlesen »
Wood-pasture systems of Transylvania have exceptional cultural, historical and ecological values and they were shaped by traditional farming practices. Key for their future persistence is
Participatory value mapping of a traditional wood-pasture Weiterlesen »
Bixad (Sepsibükszád), Micfalău (Mikóújfalu) and Malnaș (Málnás). These are three settlemets in the county of Covasna – Kovászna megye. The distance between them is cca
Bixad – Micfalău – Malnaș: a wood-pasture cluster Weiterlesen »
At 15 of July our team planned and organised a participatory workshop with key stakeholders relevant to wood-pasture management and use, implemented in Viscri. The
Participatory systems mapping workshop entitled: ‘Sustainable wood-pasture futures’ Weiterlesen »
In the period of 27 mai to 6 June, 2023 the German and Romanian team realised the third fieldwork for realizing drone- and other movies
Realizing wood-pasture movies and interviews – June Weiterlesen »
As part of Workpackage 3, on April 3, 2023, students from Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Science and Environmental Engineering from Romania, led by Tibor Hartel,
Restoration of wood-pastures at Viscri Weiterlesen »