In September 2024, a two-person team from our project accompanied the Erasmus+ student exchange between Göttenbach-Gymnasium Idar-Oberstein (Germany) and C.N.P. Andrei Şaguna Sibiu (Romania), which was developed in cooperation with this project. Now a film has been created from the numerous footage of the multi-day excursion with Prof. Dr. László Rákosy (Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca), which captures the impressions of the students’ field work. Wood-pastures are an ideal experiential space for students to carry out their own field investigations and to discover the uniqueness of these ancient cultural habitats. For this reason, the TWP project team is also committed to this important cooperation between science, schools and practice. The student exchange also offers the opportunity for Romanian and German students to gain personal access to the European cultural heritage of wood-pastures through these special experiences.