New Law for Old Trees in Romania – lessons and opportunities

Large Old Trees have exceptional natural, cultural and economic values, yet these trees are only rarely targeted by specific National legislation. Romania recently adopted a Law for its large Old Trees (Law 97/2023 for protecting remarkable trees of Romania).

The Law was inspired by the project Remarkable Trees of Romania (funded also within the current ‘Transylvanian wood-pastures’ project). The Law defines remarkable trees as trees outside the Forests that should have at least one of these criteria: age (at least 160 years), a taxon-specific minimum trunk circumference, and the existence of local legends and stories proving its heritage value(s).  The Law also provides a list of trees and their trunk circumferences which makes them eligible for being legally protected.

The scientific publication which presents the history of the Law, its weaknesses and opportunities was recently published in Conservation Science and Practice.

Popularization of the Law was made by our colleague Tibor Hartel, who also contributed to the scientific content of the Law and can be seen in Romanian this YouTube video, and this paper.

Hartel, T., Arghius, V., Stoican, F., Reti, K.O., Bouriaud, L. (2023). New Law for Old Trees in Romania: lessons and opportunities. Conservation Science and Practice, online early.

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