Bixad – Micfalău – Malnaș: a wood-pasture cluster

Bixad (Sepsibükszád), Micfalău (Mikóújfalu) and Malnaș (Málnás). These are three settlemets in the county of Covasna – Kovászna megye. The distance between them is cca 12.5 km and the three settlements and their wood-pastures are situated along a North-South direction. The movie captures the wood-pastures and the in-between landscapes of all three settlements, each settlement`s wood-pasture being visible from the other two settlement`s wood-pasture. Each has complex wood-pasture-forest galleries intermixed with pastures without trees and small cropfields. The low level of human settlement cover and the lack of fragmentation by human constructions provides a sense of ecological and environmental infinity. Indeed, this is one of the cultural landscapes with the largest density of brown bear populations in Romania and possibly Europe, and several other wildlife species.

The film is now available on Youtube:


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