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In diesem Abschnitt wird eine Auswahl der wichtigsten internationalen Veröffentlichungen anderer Forscher über siebenbürgische Hudewälder vorgestellt.

Bobiec, A., Reif, A., Ölleler, K. (2018): Seeing the oakscape beyond the forest: a landscape approach to the oak regeneration in Europe. Landscape Ecology 33: 513-528

Key findings: The review study shows that oak regeneration studies are skewed towards forests while there is a substantial potential for natural oak regeneration also in wood-pasture. Wood-pasture systems are oak regeneration hotspots and should be acknowledged as such.

Bobiec, A., Podlaski, R., Ortyl, B., Korol, M., Havryliuk, S., Öllerer, K., Ziobro, J. M., Pilch, K., Dychkevych, V., Tomasz, D., Mázsa, K., Varga, A., & Angelstam, P. (2019). Top-down segregated policies undermine the maintenance of traditional wooded landscapes: Evidence from oaks at the European Union’s eastern border. Landscape and Urban Planning, 189, 247–259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landu rbplan.2019.04.026

Key findings: This paper documents two distinct tree requirement patterns in wood-pastures. Policy should foster the TEK and local stewardship to ensure the persistence of wood-pastures.

Dorresteijn I, Hartel T, Hanspach J, von Wehrden H, Fischer J (2013) The Conservation Value of Traditional Rural Landscapes: The Case of Woodpeckers in Transylvania, Romania. PLoS ONE 8(6): e65236. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0065236

Key findings: Wood-pastures have distinct wood-pecker communities than high forests.

Tausan, I, Muraru, M., Öllerer, K. (2021): Monitoring ant assemblages of oak wood-pastures. A case study from Eastern Europe. Biologia, 76: 1153-1160.

Key findings: 17 ant species were identified in the studied wood-pasture. Scattered oaks, clumped oaks and forest edges had distinct ant species assemblages. Scattered trees and clumped oak trees had similar ant species diversities. Wood-pasture specialist ants such is Lasius brunneus are highlighted.

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